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Bombus (2013), Let her die, The Poet And The Parrot, Century Media; Sebadoh (2013), Can’t depend, Defend Yourself, Domino; SWIM DEEP (2013), She changes the weather, Where The Heaven Are We, Chess Club); Speedy Ortiz (2013), Gary, Major Arcana, Carpark; Hebronix (2013), viral, Unreal, ATP; Calexico (2013), walls come down, Maybe on Monday, autoprodotto; Rock &Stripes #1: Pink Floyd (1969), Cymbaline, Soundtrack from the Film More; Bill Callahan (2013), Winter road, Dream River, Drag City; Delorean (2013), walk high, Apar, True Panther; The Bloody Beetroots (2013), Out of sight, Hide, Ultra Music; Chelsea Wolfe (2013), House of metal, Pain Is Beauty, Sargent House; Oneohtrix Point Never (2013), Boring angel, R Plus Seven, Warp Records.